Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weight Training

 Weight training is a common type of exercise to develop strength using heavy force of gravity, to oppose the force generated by muscle through concentric or eccentric contraction. The form of exercise in which the body's muscles to contract using body weight or other devices to stimulate growth / working muscles, strength and endurance, by targeting specific muscle groups and types of movement. Weight training is also called 'resistance training' and 'strength training'.
Basic weight training success is a combination of important factors in considering the exercise dose, called the "FITT":
1. Exercise Frequency (Frequency of training)
2. Exercise intensity (Intensity of training)
3. Exercise duration (Time spent)
4. Exercise Type (Type of exercise)
1. Exercise Frequency (Frequency of training)
Similarly, training volume, frequency latihanpun have a relationship with the intensity and duration of exercise. The higher the intensity and the longer the time of each exercise then latihannyapun frequency the less. This is an indication that the number of meetings or repetition frequency of exercise training showed. Frequency refers to the amount of exercise per week. Frequency of weight training can take anywhere between 2-5 times per week. To maintain health, 3 times per week.
2. Exercise intensity (Intensity of training)
a. Intensity exercise training is a burden that must be completed in a certain time. To determine the intensity of exercise or work is to measure heart rate. Exercise intensity can be measured by measuring the heart rate / pulse with the formula: maximum pulse nadu (DNM) = 220 - age (in years). If a person aged 20 years, his DNM = 220-20 = 200.
b. Dose intensity exercise
For sports achievement: between 80% -90% of the DNM. So for 20-year-old athlete is taakaran intensity should be achieved in practice is 80% -90% of 200 = 160 up to 180 pulse / min.
c. For sports health: between 70% -85% of the DNM. So for people aged 40 years who exercise to maintain health and physical condition, exercise intensity should takaaran adalah70% -85% kaali (220-40), equal to 126 s / d 153 pulses / min.
3. Exercise duration (Time spent)
Time or duration required in the one-time exercise. Duration of the show on time, or calories used during exercise. Calories refers to the amount of energy used during exercise. Weight training is usually done between 40-60 minutes per training session
4. Exercise Type (Type of exercise)
Type of exercise is a form or model chosen for the exercises that are tailored to existing facilities and training purposes. Type of training refers to training tools in use: barbells, dumbbells or weight machines.
How to find the intensity of weight training by determining the maximum repetition (repetition maximum). How to determine the training load based on maximum repetition is done by knowing the ability of muscles to perform repetitions (reps) in elevating the maximum load that will be used for training. For example, an athlete would train biceps muscle endurance, then the athlete must lift the dumbbells (the tool you want to use it) as much as 12-20 times / set. This can be done by way of experiment, for example, the athlete can lift 5kg dumbbells raised 16 times repetition. Then the training load can be used as a training load, the lifting dumbell 16 times as much as 5 kg each.
Definition of terms related to the problem of load variation used in the procession exercise. Terms, among others:
a. Set
One person has been able to complete exercise one kind of exercise on a particular device with a certain amount of repetition.
b. Rehearsal
The number of repetitions performed in running a particular kind of exercise on a particular device.

Exercise Program
1. Fitness Program
a. Frequency: 3 - 4/minggu
b. Intensity: <70% MHR
c. Reps: 12-20 times
d. Set: 2-3
2. Weight Loss Program
a. Frequency: 3 - 4/minggu
b. Intensity: <70% MHR
c. Reps: 12-20 times
d. Set: 2-3
3. Weight Gain Program
a. Frequency: 3-4/minggu
b. Intensity: 70-80% MHR
c. Reps: 8 -12 times
d. Set: 3-6
4. Program Hiperthopy
a. Frequency: 3 - 4/minggu
b. Intensity: 75-85% MHR
c. Reps: 8 -12 times
d. Set: 3-6
Phase Exercise
In the procession there are 3 phases of exercise, as follows
1. Heating (Warm-Up)
Warming is an activity before entering the actual exercise. Warming aims to prepare physically and psychologically in the face of core exercises. Warming also aims to avoid injury.
Warming begins with activity light jogging, or walking, going nowhere. Then proceed stretching (stretching) static. Next followed by dynamic stretching. Topped with formal activities, ie activities in accordance with the movement to be performed on core exercises.
2. Core Exercises
At the core of this exercise contains a series of exercises that have been prepared in accordance with the purpose of the exercise. For example, exercises to develop STRENGTH, the exercises are chosen adl with 80-100% RM load, with a wide number of devices 8-16.
3. Cooling (Cooling-down)
Cooling is done immediately after core workout. Aim to restore the child's physical and psychological conditions such as the original state. Perform relaxation movements to taste.
Weight Training System
1. Based Variations
a. Super-set system
This system is usually performed by top athletes. Super-set training system muscle agonists and antagonists, respectively. For example, the quadriceps muscles continued hamstring muscles. Followed bicep biceps triceps muscle. This system is used to program objectives hypertrophy.
b. Compound sets
The system is applied to train the muscle group in succession with different forms of exercise. For example, the biceps muscles using a weight machine 1 set, then set it to 2 to use dumbbells.
c. Split routine system
Implementation of this system is on a day to train the upper limb muscles, and the other day to train the muscles of the lower body.
d. Single sets or single set
weight training system which is done by a set of exercises performed with maximum reps until the athlete is not able to complete the next repetition. Maintain the reps as much as possible is the key to success in this system. Single set suitable for activities such as sit-ups, push-ups, or back-up.
e. Set block
weight training system that will essentially combine a number of different sets and reps. Number of sets can use 3-6 sets with 6-12 reps per set times
2. Based on the intensity of the load
a. Constant Load System
System is a constant load exercise system using the same load for different sets. If the exercise will use a maximum load of 10 reps, then 10 reps of exercise load is set to the maximum to 1, then a break and then repeat again reps as before. In this exercise-rest between sets is 1 ½ - 2 minutes.
b. System Load Pyramid
Pyramid system shows that the practice begins from light to heavy reps. Pyramid mild to severe, such as starting from RM 12, then load increased gradually up to 2 RM. To find the load first seeking 2 RM load. Exercise can be started from 12 reps, then each set was increased 2.5 kg or 5 kg of weight up to 2 RM